Editing video

Video with Editing & Image Assessment of YOUR Photos

"This was definitely one of my best investments for my own development!"

"I really learned a lot, and it was great to receive feedback on the pictures as well."

Personal Video Course

Maria demonstrates editing from start to finish on your photos and also provides an evaluation of YOUR photos in a recorded video.

Do you want to know how Maria edits and how she would edit your photos? Book a personal video where Maria does just that for you.

Image Assessment
An excellent way to develop as a photographer is to receive feedback and image assessment of your photos. In the video, Maria also provides feedback on the photos you submit, covering everything from composition, lighting, settings, and posing.

Everything is recorded in a video that you will receive. Maria shows every step of her editing process, and you can then watch it over and over again. Here’s how it works:

  • You submit photos
  • Maria records editing and image assessment
  • You receive the video

Video Editing Packages:

Basic Package
1 image
Approximately 30 minutes long video
2350 SEK
235 EUR
235 USD

Intermediate Package
1-3 images
Approximately 50 minutes long video
2950 SEK
295 EUR
295 USD

Advanced Package
2-6 images
Approximately 1.5 hours long video
3650 SEK
365 EUR
365 USD

Book your editing video here!

    Fotograf Maria Lindberg

    Blädingeås Bromon 1

    342 52 Vislanda